
Early Warning System

EARLY WARNINGS MANAGEMENT (EWM) “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive…

Efikton® Platform

Efikton® is a Platform which help to develope prototypes and new applications from simple to very complex, to change them fast, to adapt in…

Efikton Innovation Management

Innovation is of vital importance for the survival and grow of European Companies in the today global and competitive world and it is…

Efikton Manufacturing Management

In the race between greater performance and agility to the customer demands, companies need an innovative approach as far as their decision…

Efikton Quality Management

Modern companies need more and more an innovative approach for quality management. The constantly increasing volume and complexity of…

Operation Planning Industrial Costing

There is a lot of information today inside the Companies. Information provided from many systems (with backbone the ERP) which allows the…